US - Sales & Project Management


Sales & Project Management


Sales & Project Management

As a company specialising in design, manufacturing and selling, Gestamp has a clear customer focus on collaborative and fair treatment where the project management and commercial teams are the visible face for the customer. Those teams must have a thorough knowledge of the production process, the product and be able to search for the best partnership agreement with the customer and then implement it as agreed.  

Commercial management implies constant contact with customers to know their needs, offer our production and engineering solutions with the best value in terms of innovation, price, quality, safety and environmental impact in order to ensure a long-term commercial partnership. In turn, the project managers must turn those agreements into reality by carrying out operational procedures and rigorously overseeing the whole process so that the product reaches the customer on time and correctly.

The commercial and project management teams work closely together, proof of which are the many success projects that Gestamp has carried out year after year since it was founded and which position the company as a partner of the main vehicle manufacturers worldwide.

As a company specialising in design, manufacturing and selling, Gestamp has a clear customer focus on collaborative and fair treatment where the project management and commercial teams are the visible face for the customer. Those teams must have a thorough knowledge of the production process, the product and be able to search for the best partnership agreement with the customer and then implement it as agreed.  

Commercial management implies constant contact with customers to know their needs, offer our production and engineering solutions with the best value in terms of innovation, price, quality, safety and environmental impact in order to ensure a long-term commercial partnership. In turn, the project managers must turn those agreements into reality by carrying out operational procedures and rigorously overseeing the whole process so that the product reaches the customer on time and correctly.

The commercial and project management teams work closely together, proof of which are the many success projects that Gestamp has carried out year after year since it was founded and which position the company as a partner of the main vehicle manufacturers worldwide.

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